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8 Ways To Help Prevent Arthritis

8 Ways To Help Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis is an age-related degenerative condition that damages the joints and causes inflammation in them. It is one of the most common conditions that affect the adults of the country. There is no assured preventive measure to avoid arthritis as there are many factors involved such as age, genetic constitution, and, in some cases, gender.
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Common Signs And Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis To Watch Out For

Common Signs And Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis To Watch Out For

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic condition which makes the immune system attack the body leading to joint pain and other symptoms. It mainly affects people who already have psoriasis. Psoriasis signs symptoms include small scaling spots, itching, soreness, burning, stiff and swollen joints, red patches on the skin with thick silvery scales, pitted, thickened, ridged nails and dry, cracked, bleeding skin.
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Bladder Cancer- Stages, Symptoms, Treatment And Management

Bladder Cancer- Stages, Symptoms, Treatment And Management

When there is multiplication and uncontrolled, abnormal growth observed in the bladder cells, it can be considered as bladder cancer. Just like any other cancer, when invasive, bladder cancer can spread and affect other body parts as well such as the liver, bones, or the lungs. Bleeding during urination is considered to be the most common of bladder cancer symptoms.
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Quick Treatments For Your Under Eye Bags

Quick Treatments For Your Under Eye Bags

Under eye bags make you look older and tired. This condition can have many causes. You can find many different treatments for under eye bags. The factor that causes your under eye bags can decide the effective treatment for under eye bags. Under eye bags Bags under your eyes can be temporary or permanent.
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Overview And Treatment Of Scalp Psoriasis

Overview And Treatment Of Scalp Psoriasis

Having stepped in a new century and a new era of time each waking moment, we find our self amidst of a huge range of ailments that a sizeable portion of the population suffers. There was a time when such ailments were not given much importance or even known as an ailment.
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Causes And Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

Causes And Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic, long-term, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in the lining of the large intestine (Colon). Only the lower section of the colon, i.e., sigmoid colon and the rectum are affected. But it can cause damage to the entire colon. Rectal bleeding, cramping and abdominal pain and diarrhea are the primary symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis which usually develop over time and can range from mild to severe.
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